Since I started blogging, Mercedes always provided me something to write. Thanks to their marketing and engineers, I always found something and honestly I am sure some of them are not adored by Mercedes too!
Recently Ferrari decided to introduce interesting materials by starting a car called as FF, in terms of Twitter world this mean “Follow Friday” or we amend to “Follow Ferrari”. Since the live press conference which was heavily involved with a word called “innovative”, offered excellent materials for me.
And Ferrari did not stop this! They introduce a very unusual footage of FF. And this footage is very similar to Mercedes’s the one and only coolest vehicle G Class’s advertisement. In both videos scenery starts with snow and both of the vehicles are doing artistic moves on snow. For G Class, that’s something really normal. Because, that’s designed for that! However jumping and sliding on snow with a Ferrari is really “innovative”. I salute the Ferrari marketing team.
I hope that they won’t reveal a bullet proof FF, as a result of innovative technology!
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Mercedes, Ferrari