Thursday, August 11, 2011

A New Toyota Camry

When you are watching your favourite TV show, nobody wants to see 'to be continued'. This destroys the excitement and most of the time annoys you. It may sound unusual but this also happens in automotive industry. Don't worry, no one cuts the back end of a car and destroy your excitement. They do this through the design! Like Toyota did with the new Camry.

Recently, Toyota revealed the pictures of the new Camry. With each new Toyota, I always get excited to see a very unique design, however it didn't happen that often. Like new Camry, Toyota only revealed a small portion. The front is disappointing but rear is much better. Actually it could be better but, weird angle of stop light destroys the harmony! Sure, it is too early to comment and judge on a new car with small details but I wanted share my thoughts based on these parts ;)

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