CAR GARAGE | 2012 Koenigsegg Agera R | 2010 Koenigsegg Presented in a per-production version of the Koenigsegg Agera. Since then the per-production car and Several test mules have continued the Agera development program. There are Several differences Between the per-production car Previously shown and the production versions. Although sharing the same values and philosophies as previous Koenigsegg models, the Agera takes the Koenigsegg experience to a completely new level.
Similar to all previous Koenigsegg hypercars, the new Agera is the BRAINCHILD of Christian von Koenigsegg. Agera means "to take action" in Swedish. Koenigsegg differs from other low volume hyper car manufacturers by the fact the Koenigsegg That Produces and develops its own engine in-house.
The low engine weight is quite Astonishing, as the Agera engine also has class leading power and torque characteristics. To give an example, the Koenigsegg 5 liter V8 bi-turbo engine develops more than 900 hp on 95 octane regular fuel, and more than 1100 hp on E85 bio fuel. The Agera Produces over 1000 Nm of torque from 2500 rpm and in the Koenigsegg Agera R format the engine has a peak torque of 1200 Nm over a 3300 rpm rev range, showing great flexibility.
To give a hint of how different the Agera engines are compared to other production car engines, it is easy to look at the value BMEP (Brake Mean Effective Pressure) in the cylinders during maximum power output.