Recently Volkswagen Financial Services AG started to follow my blog. Thanks to Google Analytics, I can see which companies are following me. Therefore I have to post article for my audience. And I decided to offer something interesting for VW Financial Services.

As I read from their web site, it is the best place to work in Germany. And from the pictures, I can agree on this. But financial services are not something very entertaining for everyone. I am sure that some of the stuff is dealing with credit check for customers, analysing a potential VW Passat Estate Diesel’s future owner’s last ten years credit history. I don’t think, they are having fun like in research and development department.
Now it is time to have a break. From the sibling company Porsche Design, there is a very funny iPhone application. Actually fun and Porsche Design are not very close words but they manage to combine it with this very interesting application.
In this application you choose the worst sun glasses of Porsche Design, not the best one the worst ones, and you take a picture of your face and then application is adding the desired sun glass with your face. Sound very creative but practically very funny. While looking for credit history check, you can have fun :)