Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Charity Posting

This posting is for charity event which is organized by University of Birmingham, The Department of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS). This is an official charity event, therefore I have placed the web link to pages which can be found in University of Birmingham’s website.

Give a Xmas smile!

The Department of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS) is organising a Christmas Charity Event in association with Birmingham Children's Hospital (Event No. 02459).

Be a 'smile-giver' in 3 simple steps:
1. Pick a label from the Xmas Tree

2. Buy the present (as a group or as an individual) for the child which is in hospital

3. Return the wrapped gift under the tree and replace the label with a Xmas decoration which is already provided by us

All presents will be given to children who are currently patients at the Oncology / Cancer Unit (Ward 15) of Birmingham Children's Hospital. The event will be held between the 2nd -13th December.

Location of Xmas Tree: 3rd Floor POLSIS, Muirhead Tower East

here are two POLSIS Christmas Trees this year, one in the Undergraduate Office and one in the Postrgraduate Office- both in the third floor of Muirhead Tower. But THIS year instead of decorations... the Xmas trees have labels! Each label represents a present of around £10. It is up to you which label you pick (green are for boys and red labels are for girls). 'Smile - givers' can either buy the presents individually or as a group. Once the present is bought it should be placed under the tree and the label replaced by a xmas decoration (we already have these in a box under the xmas tree). The goal is that by December 13th the tree will be full of Xmas decorations and presents rather than labels! The labels are going fast so please make sure you pick one before they are all taken.

Alternatively, you can donate to the cause by giving the money to the secretaries (either UG or PG Office) who will pass this forward and the present will be bought on your behalf.

To avoid any infection / hazards the hospital has asked for only new presents and no soft toys please. For further questions or to find out how to get involved please email Eleni Christodoulou: