I have just recently found a concept vehicle from Volkswagen and I decided to share with you. No, I didn’t hit my head to wall and decided to change the concept of my blog. This concept is London Taxi concept. I really don’t know whether it will be production or not but even this possibility made me happy.

If you ever visited UK, you might have noticed the lovely Black Cab. They look very nostalgic from outside and they do their best to make you feel the nostology inside your internal organs. Because, their rear suspension is still leaf spring. The same suspension system which can be seen in Gladiator movie (Movie took place in BC times)! Each terrain alteration is directly sent your spinal cord with no point. I have no idea why they still use this meaningless technology in 2010! Probably the answer is; it is cheap.

It looks amazing from each angle. I really like the current Black Cab but there is no need to accommodate something which deserve place in British Museum. Actually I was expecting to see rear hinged doors for better comfort. Black Cab’s main advantage is spacious interior and Rolls Royce style rear doors! VW just missed that point. And it should be right hand drive!
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