Audi is not my favourite but I cannot deny the fact that they are producing state of the art vehicles. Unfortunately these state of the art vehicles have different fates! Some of them end up in a luxury garage and be loved by it owner or driven as corporate car or worse driven as a rented car.
However this is totally something else, this owner made the uncool Audi A3 as the coolest car of the year. I am proud to announce the 2011's coolest car of the car, water frozen Audi A3.
As I read from WorldCarFans website, the owner parked his car as usual but the water pipes did not act as usual, so they broke down and freezing winds of Manhattan created this sculpture.

Actually this is a very unfortunate situation but the owner tried to separate ice and Audi A3 by sledge hammer and this is more unfortunate. All right I don't like A3 and I consider as a luxury VW Golf but sludge hammer is too tough for it :)
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Audi, KLG News