When you decide to buy a car, you might be considering the second hand option. If it offers low mileage, a descent owner, serviced well and clean interior; this might be a better option than a brand new one. Okay, second hand means; someone has already driven this car for some time. However this sacrifice turns into a benefit in terms of money!

I think Bugatti thought the same and started to offer second hand Veyrons in their web site. A brand new Bugatti Veyron costs more than one million euro, if you are not familiar with this currency. It is lots of money in each currency on earth. I think some of potential Bugatti customers do not wish to buy a brand new one and Bugatti found this solution for reasonable people :)

Currently there are fourteen Veyrons available. Seven 16.4 Coupe model and seven Grand Sport Cabrio model and unfortunately nobody get bored of their superb fast Super Sport model. There are two interesting cars, the eye catching feature is their odometer. Their owners drove these cars like a family saloon to everywhere, which means they didn’t have any other car and they invested their whole wealth a Veyron. Very good investment :P How I came with this idea? A Veyron 16.4 with 15 000 KM and a Grand Sport with 14 500 KM. I think I don’t need to say anything more. Veyron is not introduced a decade ago, so their owners drove them all the time!
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